Latest posts by Jade Fulton (see all)

If you’re anything like me, you probably need a vacation – and desperately! I know most of us female entrepreneurs are usually so focused and working our butt’s off in our business we don’t know how to “take a vacation”. 

I am so incredibly passionate about helping female leaders create an incredible leadership brand for themselves and help them find a blend between work and life. In turn, this helps them build a really strong, inspired, cohesive team so they can take a break, or go on vacation without taking their cell phone with them. Can you imagine? A real vacation, without feeling the need to check in with your team every day? How amazing would that feel?

We need to build our teams up, delegate and actually trust the people that work for us and with us, to get the work done so we can grow our business without killing ourselves! That’s the dream, isn’t it?

The message I want to get out there, loud and clear, is that it is possible to be a successful female entrepreneur without giving up your life, your partner, yoga… or anything that brings you joy! I would even argue with the right people, in the right places, doing the right things – showing up yourself as a really great leader will make you fall in love with your business all over again!

Hopefully, this helps you turn your Manic Monday into a magical one. And if this resonates with you in any way, stay tuned for more ways I can help!