Lindsay White
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The World Needs More Kindness

There’s no doubt, the world needs a little more kindness right now.
Whether it’s letting someone in front of us at the grocery store, buying the next guy at the drive-thru a coffee, or shoveling your elderly neighbors walk, there’s always a way that we can show kindness.
And here’s the truth – kindness doesn’t cost anything, it never goes out of style, and it is always the right way to show up.
Kindness isn’t just about doing nice things for other people. It’s about filling our own cup, and bringing one of our values to life every day, even in the smallest of ways.
So today I want to challenge you…how can you show your kindness today?
#kindnessiscontagious #kindnessmatters #bekind #kindnessvalues #highvoltagecoaching #highvoltageleadership #kindcommunities #manicmonday