Lindsay White
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The Shift To High Voltage Leadership

As I roll out all the exciting events taking place around the launch of my new brand, High Voltage Leadership, there are many of you that have asked why I made this shift to a different business name, and what it’s all about.  The short answer is that it’s about ‘my purpose’ as well as my journey, over the last three years.   

What’s This Got To Do With Purpose?

In the work I do as a leadership coach, you’ll often hear me talking about this — about purpose. Uncovering and exploring our purpose is such an important part of living a wholehearted and fulfilled life, creating and impactful businesses, and being an inspiring leader. And my purpose has absolutely guided me through all the change that I’ve experienced in the last few years. So the key questions become, ‘What is the purpose behind the change to High Voltage Leadership?’ and  ‘What is High Voltage Leadership all about?’.

Well, it really started when I was learning to become a professional coach. During my coach training and certification, I learned a particular tool –  how to design a life purpose statement. Part of that learning process was to develop my own statement. I created it three years ago, and it’s been driving me ever since  — ‘I am the high voltage extension cord that plugs you in to your inner brilliance.’  That, right here, defines everything that I do.

Launching High Voltage Leadership

When I originally started my business, the brand ‘High Voltage Coaching’ made perfect sense, because it really was about coaching, and about helping inspire the brilliance that lives in every one of us. And that’s still true today. 

But in the course of my own journey over the last few years, and in working with my own coach, I’ve come to realize not only do I love coaching, but I also really enjoy creating culture and people strategy. This was a major part of the work I did in my former corporate HR life — consulting with senior leaders and executives to help them translate their business plan into people strategies. What I’ve learned is the work I do today, with small business owners and their teams, combines all of these things that I love. It incorporates my passion for creating inspiring cultures, my gift for developing people strategies, and my dedication to coaching leaders that truly desire to grow. 

When I came to that realization, it made complete sense to combine the coaching and the people strategy into one, amazing program. I needed to expand the meaning behind my purpose statement. High Voltage Coaching, although still a big part of what I’m called to do, no longer describes all that I want to offer my clients — leadership coaching, people strategy, and culture creation. A new name, High Voltage Leadership was born!  This new brand encompasses everything I offer, everything that I’m passionate about — helping my clients, particularly female business owners, as they grow and experience their leadership, create inspiring cultures in their business, and develop impactful people strategy that drives their success.  

What’s Important About the Word ‘Leadership’?

The word Leadership is significant because it’s such an important statement. My work is about creating a space where business owners can 

learn about how they lead and what defines their leadership brand. I believe we need to show up as a leader everywhere in our lives, whether that’s at work, in our family, in our community or with our friends.

You can’t have a leader without followers, without people. This new direction is about the combination of leadership and the people strategy, which fosters and grows culture. People strategy is really all about driving business through people, and I believe that having this type of strategy is just as important as a business strategy, if not more. The truth is, without a robust people strategy plus engaged employees, your business strategy isn’t actually worth the paper it’s written on.

The Impact Of High Voltage Leadership

The change in my brand and the work I am doing came from gaining a deeper understanding of the impact I want to have on the world. It also came from a deeply personal level as ‘high voltage’ is the perfect description for me — at my core, I am someone who is very high voltage, high energy, high wattage. If you know me, you get this! To achieve my purpose, I discovered I needed to expand it.

To be the high voltage extension cord that plugs you in to your inner brilliance, I needed to take this next step to amplify my work with clients and to help them fulfill their own purpose. It’s the realization that I needed to incorporate the leadership coaching with my expertise in people strategy to create the most success for my clients. 

As I launch High Voltage Leadership this week, I hope you will join me in all the exciting events. I know that I have lots of experience, expertise, information and passion to offer and I can’t wait to share it with all of you. You can sign up today right here.