Lindsay White
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The 12 Days Of Leadership…On the first day of leadership, Coach Lindsay gave to me the gift of leading myself!

Before you can truly be a great leader for others you have to be able to lead in your own life. Leading from within is about deeply understanding who you truly are & what’s important to you. There are two pieces foundational to creating that awareness:

📌 Understanding your purpose – your WHY. When you deeply understand & are connected to what you create & why, you bring that energy and excitement to everything you do & everyone around you.

📌 Defining & living your values. It’s your values that define who you are & how you relate to your world. They keep you grounded & on the right path. Every great leader needs to have a deep connection to their own values.

When these two important pieces of you are clear, then you can begin to craft a leadership brand & style that’s all your own.

My gift to you today are these words:
“To be a great leader of others, you must first be able to authentically lead yourself.”

If you are struggling to define your purpose, or can’t articulate your values I can help. You can connect with me here to learn more!